2010年6月26日 星期六

[正妹] My classmate^^

作者: billywu (小魚兒) 看板: Beauty
標題: My classmate^^
時間: Sat Jun 26 18:41:24 2010

Sorry that I can't type Chinese >"<
Below is my classmate's FB,
I think she is quite pretty ^^

1 則留言:

  1. 推 yoshiringo:I can't type chinese too 06/26 18:42
    推 kimfatt:FOB? 06/26 18:43
    推 Kamiyu:either 06/26 18:46
    推 blackpassion:我現在無法打中文 06/26 18:49
    推 billy00248:所以4樓那是哪種文? 06/26 18:50
    → taintain:have more photos ? 06/26 18:50
    推 llat:only a picture? 06/26 18:51
    噓 jeff1008:freak 06/26 18:54
    推 jamesch:more clear pictures? 06/26 19:01
    推 inglee:It is good to drink?? 06/26 19:10
    → inglee:Is it good to drink?? 06/26 19:11
    → billywu:I have no idea why it can't link to her profile= = 06/26 19:12
    → billywu:Is anyone can help me 2 upload her pic,please mail me 06/26 19:13
    → gtxd:花枝魷魚麵 06/26 19:34
    → qweruiop316:How do you turn this on 06/26 21:33
    → LabaK:I see dead people 06/26 21:47
    → guesswho461:show me the money 06/26 21:48
